Race Fitness

How to stay sane during such tough times as these is no simple answer, but in short the answer is you simply can't. As we face not only a pandemic but the BLM Movement, the world has been set on fire and staying sane is just out of the picture. This however is OKAY. We don't have to be sane all the time or completely stress-free, it's just not possible during these times. What is important though is that we embrace this moment to actually create CHANGE from our concerns/worries. It's okay to walk away for moment when you're frustrated or sad but use that time to revitalize our mind and body but what is important is that you COME BACK to keep fighting for the changes you wish to see in the world. Turning off your phone or not going on social media for a bit is not a crime and it is sometimes necessary for people to regain their "sanity" but you can't give up, we will never advance if we always back down. To make our world a better place we must realize that the youth is the future of this country, of this democracy, and one day we will be the ones making the decisions not these (old white) men we have in power today. We have to all start somewhere if we want to see actual change in our country, and the most simple step is to vote. As a citizen of this country we are all born with the right to vote, we have a say in what values we want our country to hold, and voting is the most simple answer/way to create change. Every time someone doesn't vote because they don't believe that it matters, well the fact that you didn't vote just goes to support the opposing stance which is exactly why it should matter. That's why during such a crazy year as this year 2020, its important to realize the power each and every single person holds no matter who they are or the color of their skin. Staying sane during such harsh times as these is not an option you get to choose but rather a motivation to your fire within yourself to actually do something about it.


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