Dark Patterns
After reading an article on dark patterns it has really opened my eyes and connected so many thoughts I've had about this topic that I didn't even know it had a specific name. Dark patterns are when online websites influence and guide you to do something they want you to do, even if you didn't intend to originally, like buying a sale that you didn't even need. So after reading more about this topic I started to connect the dots in my head. For example I personally don't do online shopping because I don't like not being able to physically hold, see, or touch what I'm buying but occasionally if I have to I will. However social media apps still seem to advertise to you even if you don't shop online. So one day last year, I was talking to my sister about her graduation as she showed me her school graduation bracelet and I commented how I wanted some new jewelry like necklaces. Then a little while after I went on my phone to go on instagram when the first ad I get is different necklace jewelers or websites where I can buy necklaces. I remember this vividly because it was the first time I notice something like this since the rest of the day I got ads for necklaces all throughout my time line. However now that I know this information not only does it connect all the questions/concerns I had about a situation like this but also kind of scare me because not only may our phones be listening to us but they know how to work us and control us to do what they want and I think that's the most scary/interesting part, that we as a community should become more aware about.
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