Down The Rabbit Hole
After reading the article about John Steinbeck I decided to go down the rabbit hole and click on one of the links from the article that caught my interest. The link was titled "the difficult art of a friend breakup" and I followed this link because it's something that everyone can relate to since everyone has experienced something like this once in their life and with me experiencing something similar right now it lead me to click on the link. So I clicked on the link and for once I was actually a bit interested in what happened in Steinbeck's life. It told the story of a toxic friendship he was experiencing and how he got rid of it and the emotions he felt throughout it. To me this was interesting because it allowed me or any reader to connect closer with this author without even knowing him or his work that well because what he felt and experience was something I could to relate to on a personal level and so not only was it interesting but also a feeling of relief to know we are not the only ones in the world experiencing a friendship breakup.
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