Hack to School
Dr. Preston's AP English class at SMHS is about helping to improve our comprehension of reading and writing through a learning process that is different from the usual textbook style of learning.
The easiest part of this class is that so far the majority of work we have been required to turn in is mostly based on expressing our thoughts/opinions one certain subjects rather than being confined to one right answer.
The hardest part of this class is that even though I enjoy this new style of learning, it's easier for me to push this work to the side since I don't have the English blog page open and physically there to remind me of the work I have to do, so instead I would see like my history textbook and work/give all my brain energy to that and my other harder subject, which makes me fall behind work wise in this class.
I have learned so far that learning does not come in just one shape/form. Learning is a never ending cycle that helps us to better understand the world we live in and also understand ourselves. I've learned the importance of asking questions out of curiosity and that no matter the language or subject there is always an opportunity to learn.
My "big question" is still relatively the same since I last wrote about it but there has been no serious research into it because it is just a hypothetical question where there is really no right answer, just like how my own question was asking.
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