Your Are Not Entitled To Your Opinion

You are not entitled to your opinion. Now I know many might be taking offense to what I just said but before you retaliate back, stop and think about the statement. We as humans now days have started to become more and more close-minded about things we believe in and more sensitive. Once we have our minds set on what we believe we tend to shut everyone else's opinions out, not giving a chance to any new information or perspective. Before I read "The Right To Your Opinion", I too used to say that I was "entitled to my opinion" and whenever I said that the conversation would usually just end and there would be no argument because everyone knew where they stood. Now after reading the "Right To Your Opinion" it's made me realize how wrong I was. During my seminar yesterday, it was brought to my attention how although we may have our beliefs, nothing will ever evolve if we don't argue. Arguments are way we search for the truth in our mixed world. In my eyes I don't even know if there is even a truth, but I know that we will never know if we don't allow the conversation to continue. So next time your about to say "I am entitled to my opinion", take a step back, think about these words and maybe this time choose the route that will actually cause change.


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