This Cat Is Curious
I think our curiosity is determined a bit by both of our personalities and our culture. Sometimes it's just in our nature for us to be curious about things we don't understand, like when we are babies and toddlers we are trying to touch and eat everything we see/find because it's something new to us that we have never seen before for so our curiosity kicks in for us. However sometimes curiosity can either be deterred or enhanced by our culture that surrounds us. As we start to group in the society that we live in, it really starts to take a toll own our personality/mindset because especially in today's society we all live under some form of conformity that when it comes to standing out by being curious about something we tend to shy away. Our culture today has definitely changed the perspective on curiosity or just being enlightened in general which is honestly so sad because the only way to advance our society or the human race in general is if we stay curious and we keep learning in order to make the world a better future for tomorrow. As to how does a "cat" get so curious enough to sacrifice and lose their own life is honestly something that I personally haven't gotten to yet. Curiosity has it's cut off for once it feels like it could be life threatening but that's just where our personality comes in with our conscious to tell us to stop but in extreme cases sometimes we have to go pass that line. That's why curiosity has its risks but also its rewards.
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