Is It Just About The Job?

In the novel Fahrenheit 451, I think Montag's job of being a fireman is something I wouldn't want to do. In this society as mentioned, firefighters start fires in order to burn books, which is Montag's job so personally I wouldn't have the conscious or will power to complete such jobs for living knowing I'm hurting other people. Not only would I be hurting people but also humanity as books are apart of our history. When it comes to a job I thin being able to get a paycheck to live with but its also important to do something you have some passion for. People always question whether or not they are happy throughout life and a lot ties back to what they do for a living. So in that sense it's important to find and do something that makes us happy but at the same time I also think it's important to find something that can pay to keep us alive since we can't always be so picky. There needs to be a balance between all of it because if we are too picky about how we want some job to be then we'll never truly find something that makes us happy, so sometimes we have to take these challenges under our belt and learn how to deal with it because their is no such thing as a perfect job out there unless we make it one.


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