The Glory Of The Mistake
It was good for Montag to have made a mistake in the novel Fahrenheit 451 because we learn best from mistakes. These mistakes help us learn right from wrong but also give us opportunities on how to make a situation better which allows ourselves to develop. It first of all takes a lot of courage to make a decision in a first place especially if you're standing up for something that you believe in while others don't, but to have it be a "mistake" can be very traumatizing for some as in society we are all scared of being wrong. It's like how in class when we have an idea, answer or question, we all fear of being wrong so we shy away from ever asking that question or sharing that idea which is the opposite of what we should be doing because that is the only way we'll learn. It's unfortunately not said enough but it's ok to be wrong, I say this because whether we realize it or not but someone else might be thinking the same thing as you and if that's the case both of those ideas could be shared to advance the situation or at least close down one possibility to make things more efficient. So regardless of the fear that comes with making a mistake, its ok to be wrong in some occasions, it's how we deal with it from there is what makes the difference.
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