I Saw The Eternal Footman
"No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do"-T.S. Eliot
These lines from T.S. Eliot's poem "the love song of j. Alfred Prufrock" really contributes to the theme of of this poem which is the feeling/worry of missing out on life. These lines convey this theme really well because of how in Hamlet's iconic line of "To be or not to be" is being played around with here as it shows how the narrator of this poem doesn't want to live his life like that. The narrator wants to live in the moment and do things not sit around and question whether or not to do something. This also really brings to light the tone of the poem as it expresses a sad, lonely and worrying tone as it reflects on their decisions on how to live life. Throughout the poem as the narrator continues to express the theme of worrying/trying to not miss out on life, this causes the tone to sound very depressed as it's almost like the narrator is desperate to live a life fulfilled that he's worried if he actual is living in such a way. That's why these lines very strongly convey not only the theme but also the tone of this poem as the narrator worries about the decisions of his life.
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