For the Win

One thing I believe I've done really well in this course is writing my honest opinions and thoughts on my blog. In most of my previous English classes the writings I did in there were based off a close-minded question or had only one right answer. Although we do read different articles and respond to them similar to all English classes, what I like about this class is my writing is exactly my thoughts on the reading or my opinion on open-ended questions. So instead of writing what the author thinks or why the author wrote something a certain a way, I now get explain what I think while also developing my English skills. That's what I feel that I've done very well in this course so far. One thing I'm proud of so far in this class is my blog post response to The Right To Your Opinion because I didn't realize it at the time but it was one of the first times in an English class that I wrote from my thoughts that were triggered by such an open-ended question, even if it isn't long. So now as I look back at that post I'm actually proud of that work and glad that this open-source learning style might actually be making a difference.


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