451 Questions 20 Answers

1. Bradbury chose to title the chapter "The Hearth and the Salamander" because of how it symbolizes the main conflict of the main character Montag. In the story Montag is a firefighter, but not a normal firefighter, he starts fire by burning books and in this dystopian society humanity forgot all about books and human connection that technology consumes them. The "hearth" is the floor of a fireplace and typically when we picture fireplaces we picture it in a home. Therefore as our "salamander", or in this case firefighters, start to burn books they are actually burning our home and our humanity with it which foreshadows the overall theme of this story.
2. From the lines "It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed” we can assume that our protagonist Montag really enjoys to play with fire by destroying things which would make sense as he is a firefighter (since firefighters in this book start fires instead of ending them). 
3. Bradbury characterized the fire hose as a great python because in this society fire is the solution to any problem in their world and since water can stop the fire its seen in their world as something negative. With the great python it's name alone has a negative connotation that makes people fear away from it which is exactly what the society wants you to think about water in this case which also shows how brainwashed our main character is to think in the same way. 
4. The number of 451 is significantly symbolic because that is the temperature it takes for paper to burn and in this book one huge controversy that happens in the story is that our protagonist Montag is a firefighter who burns books which is why 451 is embedded into his fire-helmet. 
5. Clarisse McClellan is described as young mysterious girl who doesn't really to seem to fit in into the world they are living. Montag is very intrigued by Clarisse because she is not like everyone else and actually seems to listen and care about human connection unlike the rest of society. 
6. The names "Clarisse" and "Montag" are significant because the name Clarisse has the latin stem word of "clarus" which means clear and in the story Clarisse is the pure character who sees the world how it is, untainted by society, and leads the way for Montag to follow suit. Montag means to be analytical and "see the big picture" which is what he ends up seeing because of Clarisse. 
7. Clarisse starts interrogating Montag by asking him all these questions about his life like is he in love? Why does he do the career he has? Which all took Montag aback but what really caught him off guard was when Clarisse asked if he was truly happy, which really confounded Montag. 
8. 3 odd things we learn from Clarisse and Montag's conversation was that there is no human connection anymore as everyone is addicted to technology, the neighborhood/community is almost non-existent as everyone is inside and the only light to be seen is the blue flickering lights from inside the houses, and people fear firefighters (which totally contradict our society today)
9. Montag compares Clarisse face to 2 different objects, a dial of a clock and a mirror. Montag compares her face to a dial of a clock because as he wakes up to see the time in the middle of the night, the darkness surrounding it doesn't prevent it from going and moving towards the "sun" which is what Clarisse was like as she approach Montag for the first time. He also compares her to a mirror because even though he has never met her before he felt like in that moment she knew and understood him so well that he was looking at a reflection. 
10.  After Clarisse leaves him for the first time Montag realizes about himself that he is all alone in his world and that everything he thought he had like love and happiness he started to question if he actually had it. 
11. In this story the "seashells" are like their version of our modern day earphones/headphones and Montag's wife Mildred uses them all the time to watch her shows that she tunes him and the world out. 
12. Montag's wife Mildred is described very differently from Clarisse which shows the relationship between Montag and Mildred as not a very loving relationship. When Montag describes Clarisse he says that they were they talk to one another was like they understood each other without evening having to explain it while Mildred couldn't relate as they relationship is cold and the love almost non-existent. 
13. The machine used on Mildred was called the "Eye" which sucked out the "poison" that Mildred had over dosed one. This Eye symbolizes this all knowing figure which can drain others from knowing what has happened. 


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