F451 & Me

Here are a couple of connections of F451 and today's society:
1. Technology- now we may not have mechanical hounds or the "eye" but the way people are so obsessed with it creepily parallels our modern day. In the book it is mentioned once about these "seashells" that cover their ears and fills it with noise like from their tv show, this is extremely similar to today as we have our "earphones" that we use to cancel out the noise from around us by listening to music or a show or basically our own universe that no one else can hear. Also in F451 not only are humans consumed by technology but also technology consumes us as in the novel the walls of the house are literal tv screens. Today we not only have TVs but also phones and laptops that we still see a screen everywhere we turn that it's almost no different from the walls becoming our screen. However this connection really scares me because as our society moves forward with technology, it shows how we've become addicted to technology and sooner or later we might just end up in a dystopian society like this.
2. School- In one of the conversations with Clarisse we learn a bit about her school life as students go from class to class just taking in information from a tv screen never asking questions, never showing signs of curiosity. This is very similar to today's society as in school we go from period to period just sitting in a desk to listen to a lecture as kids never ask any questions which also show how sad our society is becoming.
3. Happiness- I think an overall purpose in most peoples lives is to find true happiness and in this novel its the turning point for Montag when he finally starts to question his own happiness. It kind of shows how even in dystopian worlds humanity is always searching for their true happiness and what makes them happy but sometimes we dig ourselves into these holes trying to convince ourselves that we are happy even though realistically we might actually be but it show how humans are still humans no matter what situation.


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