Have To vs. Want To vs. Get To
There are major differences between having to do something, wanting to do something, and getting to do something. To begin when you HAVE to do something it is usually something someone is forcing you do to which honestly could have a negative or positive connotation depending on how the person may interpret it. That's why when we say "we have to do something" it is usually someone else telling us what to do because we don't want to. To WANT to do something it is based off of our own free will and motivation to accomplish whatever task, assignment, or goal we have. However wanting to do something isn't similar to getting able to do something. To GET to do something is usually interpreted under the context that it's an opportunity we won't normally receive and now is the chance to do so. If this difference is applied to our everyday thought process when we make a decision I believe our perspective on the assignments and aspirations we have will change not only how we think but also how we motivate ourselves.
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